Seshadri Nagarajan

Global Sourcing PMO Lead

Chennai, India

Seshadri Nagarajan leads MPKi Global Sourcing and Program Management Office in Chennai, India, whose portfolio of offerings includes managing MPKi clients global sourcing and supplier management projects within India. The role of the office is to act as a PMO, technology and resource support office for all MPKi offices throughout India that are implementing global sourcing and supplier management projects on behalf of MPKi clients.  

Seshadri brings more than 3 decades of deep operations, supply chain management, procurement, information technology and client experience – the hallmarks of Global Sourcing Management at MPKi.

Previously before joining MPKi, Seshadri spent 12 years with North American consulting firm Infinite Sum, where he held a variety of management consulting roles including Project Director and Global Sourcing team lead in India.  

He has led supply chain and enterprise-wide sourcing and supplier management transformations for clients across multiple sectors including consumer goods, automotive, chemicals, packaging, and plastics.

Seshadri holds a bachelor’s degree in manufacturing engineering from Madras University, and he is fluent in both Hindi and English.

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