Developing a supply network for leading canadian baby brand

Helping leading Canadian baby-care product provider Simply Kids develop a full range of packaging and product solutions, and a supply network for their rapidly expanding brand.


Simply Kids is a leading provider of baby care products, most notably their diaper range, which has become the third largest in terms of market share in North America.

The company experienced rapid growth in their diaper business, and leveraged this by expanding their product range to include items ranging from children’s clothing, to baby food, to baby skin care products like shampoo, baby powder, and baby oil.

They required outside expertise to assist them, not only in establishing a low-cost country-sourcing solution for their expanded product range, but also expertise in the development of appropriate packaging to meet both functional product requirements, and local regulatory requirements, as well as brand image. They engaged Infinite Sum to deliver their expectations.


A team from MPKi packaging group worked closely with Simply Kids management-and their product team in Canada-over a period of several months, to design and scope out the packaging design requirements for the expanded product lines.

Once the packaging designs were complete, the primary project responsibility transferred to MPKi sourcing group, who conducted standard supplier search and selection processes in Asia, which ultimately resulted in the qualification and selection of an approved supplier network.

Upon selection, MPKI managed the development and integration of these suppliers into the Simply Kids supply chain, and are responsible for the ongoing management of the suppliers on behalf of Simply Kids.


A qualified supply network of >50 suppliers in Asia for Simply Kids that delivers all product packaging requirements on time, and exceeds cost objectives, managed by MPKi.

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